First chapter of an erotic novel I wrote that was on the old forum...

Chapter 1: Discovery
Maryanne had walked past this shop 1000 times before. This time something felt different. There was a tingle, a slight twinge. Something had caught her attention but she couldnt place what it was. She continued her walk home as usual. The air was a bit brisk that evening, the first hints of fall setting in.
In the morning, she woke and dressed as usual, but couldnt help but wonder what had caught her attention in that shop window. As she reached for her shoes, she noticed she had quite a collection of sensible, comfortable flats. Well it wasn’t exactly a “collection” so to speak, all 3 pairs of her “dressy” work shoes and her one pair of jogging sneakers. To her that had been more than enough since you can only wear one pair at a time, her mother had always told her that.
She made her way to work, past the shop once again. There it was again, that little tingle in her abdomen, like a little butterfly flutter. She made her way to the office in her same typical fashion. After arriving at her desk, she settled in to get to work. She heard the heels of one of her co-workers approaching. She subtly turned her head to see who it was. Angela, or Angie as she insisted on being called, was the wild one in the office. She was starting to remove her short cropped leather biker jacket as she walked past. A low cut top hung loosely on her, barely meeting the companies dress codes. Her black jeans looked to be almost sprayed on disappearing into the tops of her knee high black leather boots.
As Angie passed, they exchanged pleasantries, and she felt that tingle again. She suddenly felt very self conscious about her own outfit. A plain sweater, an ankle length skirt, and bland ballet flats.
At lunch time, she heard those heels once again. A very solid clack with each step. There certainly was no mistaking who was coming. Angie poked her head into the office and asked if she wanted to join her for a quick bite out.
Maryanne quickly, but politely declined, saying she had already brought a lunch and would hate for it to spoil. Angie agreed and said, ok, perhaps another time. As she left, Maryanne felt that tingle once more as she heard those distinct heels clicking away.
The rest of the afternoon bothered her a bit. She questioned what made her feel that way? Certainly it couldnt have been Angie, she wasn’t a lesbian, or even bisexual. Also she had seen her everyday for since she started in May and never had that feeling before. Something was different but she couldnt put her finger on it and it was driving her bonkers.
During her walk home, she passed the shop once more. This time she stopped to look at the window display. It was a clothing store and they had just put out their fall lineup in the window. Thats when she noticed them. A pair of rust brown knee high boots. They had a solid wooden heel that must have been at least 4”. Her stomach felt like it did a full flip as she gazed at them. She realized this is what had caught her eye before.
She felt drawn into the shop so she could get a closer look, not that she could ever wear them, they were far too racy for her, or so she thought.
The cashier greeted her and asked if there were something that caught her eye. How did she know? Maryanne thought to herself. She didnt actually, it was just her normal way of greeting customers. Maryanne stammered that she had wanted to take a closer look at the tall boots in the window.
“Ooooh, I love those. They are new for this season and would look great on you!” replied the cashier. “What size are you?”
“Oh, my, uh, a 7, please.” Maryanne nervously replied. Her stomach got even tighter.
The cashier rushed out back and came wizzing back to the front with a rather laonly k2share or fileal or asfilealonly k2share or fileal or asfileale box.
Maryanne took a nervous seat as they opened the box. A strong aroma of new leather filled the air immediately. As they unfolded the first boot, Maryanne realized these were much taller than they looked in the window.
Maryanne slipped off her right shoe and realized that slipping on a boot of this height with her skirt may be troublesome. The cashier noticed this, “I can slip the boot up for you if you hold your skirt up a bit to keep it from getting caught.” Maryanne blushed. “Dont worry, I do this all the time for customers, you arent the first, and certainly not the last.”
They slid the first boot up her leg, higher and higher. Her foot sunk down into the foot of the boot and the fit couldnt have been any better. The cashier pulled the remaining material of the boot shaft up to her knee where it just touched her knee cap. The boot had a laonly k2share or fileal or asfilealonly k2share or fileal or asfileale 3” cuff at the top that if unfolded, would help the boot top reach well into her thigh area.
“Oh my, I hadnt realized these boots were so tall!” Maryanne exclaimed.
“The displays always make the boots looks shorter than they really are, but these fit you perfectly!” the cashier replied with a smile.
“I dont think I could ever actually wear these, they are just so tall. They feel kind of naughty.” Maryanne said with a deep crimson in her cheeks.
“Oh nonsense. These are perfect for you. Here, lets put the other one on you and get the full effect.”
They slid the second boot up into place and lowered Maryanne’s skirt back down. She slowly stood up, which was no easy task as she had never worn heels before. Luckily these were thick and helped support her ankles from twisting sideways. She looked in the mirror and saw the foot and ankle part sticking out from below her skirt, but nothing else was visible.
“Now see, they are a perfect match for your skirt and sweater. They will keep your legs nice and cosy all winter long, no matter the temperature.” The cashier was right, they did look like a perfect match. Her stomach flipped again when she said to the cashier, “I’ll take them, and I think I would like to wear them home.”
“I will just put your old shoes in this bag for you then?” the cashier asked.
“No thanks, I dont know how much I will be needing them now. Besides, I have 2 more pairs identical to them at home already.”